Permanent Makeup Contract
First Name
Last Name
What services are you interested in?
Brow enhancement
Lip blushing
Skin type
Medical History
Check mark if you have or had any of the following conditions.
Heart condition
Cold Sores
Hemophilia/ Bleeding disorder
High or low blood preasure
Circulatory problems
Using Accutane
Autoimmune Disorders
Optical Herpes
Taking Blood thinners (Aspirin, Coumadin, Alcohol, Ibuprofen)
Fainting/ Dizziness
Eye surgery or Injury
Using Resin - A
Blood Disease
Chemical Peel
Cardiac Valve Disease
Visual Disturbances
Cancer/ Chemotherapy/ Radiation
Tumors/ Growths/ Cysts
Do you wear contact lenses
Active Skin Disease
Using Glycolic Acid
List any medications you are currently taking. Please include any antibiotics you have taken prior to detal or surgical procedures:
Medication History
Do you have any allergies to any medications, if so please list them.
Are you allergic to topical salves such as Bacitracin, lanolin, lidocaine, novocaine, metals, neosporine, rubber gloves, latex, epinephrine, tetracaine, benzocaine, if so please list what you are allergic to.
Are you using any eye drops or ocular medications?
Person to contact in the case of an emergency
First Name
Last Name
Phone number of emergency contact person.
I, the client, have requested that you describe the procedure to be utilized so that I may make an informed decision wither or not to undergo the procedure. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: This procedure is to be used as Micro Pigment Implantation, the process of implanting micro insertions of pigment into the dermal layer of skin. Micro pigment implantation is a form of tattooing used for the purpose of permanent cosmetic makeup and skin imperfection camouflage. I, the client, voluntarily request as my intradermal cosmetic technician, Christal Caladiao, as she deems necessary to perform on my body, the micro blading or nano machine procedure.
I am not pregnant or breast feeding
I have informed Christal Caladiao that I am in good health and not under the care of any physician.
I have informed Christal Caladiao if I have had cold sore. If I have had a cold sore, I have started medication before services and will continue after lip blushing sservices..
I understand that a lip blushing enhancement procedure may cause a chance for a cold sore break out. If I have ever had a cold sore or have the complex dormant in my system, I have been told to start medication. I have told Christal Caladiao that I have never had a cold sore. I understand if I have any outbreaks, I will seek medical attention. I understand I will need a touch up if a break out occurs and must start an antiviral mediation 5 days prior and after the next procedure touch up.
I have been told that allergic reactions to both pigments and anesthetics are very rare, however they can and do occur, and when they occur, they can be serious and especially difficult and troublesome to treat.
I agree to waive spot testing pigment and understand that allergic reactions can be delayed due to reaction of pigment. I agree to release Christal Caladiao from any and all liability related to allergic reaction or any other reaction to the application of pigments.
I have been told that this procedure will involve a level of some pain or discomfort.
I understand the markings are permanent and that there is the possibility of hyper pigmentation resulting from a procedure, especially in individuals prone to hyper pigmentation from a scar or other injury.
I have been told that a follow up procedure may be required.
I understand that other risks involved with the procedure may include, but not limited to: infections, allergic and other reaction(s) to applied pigments, products applied during and after the procedure, fanning, spreading, of pigment (pigment migration), fading of color and other unknown risks.
I accept full responsibility for any and all, present and future, medical treatment(s) and expense may incur in the event I need to seek treatment(s) for any known or unknown reason associated with the procedure planned for me.
I have agreed that should I have a complaint of any kind whatsoever, I shall immediately notify Christal Caladiao and I further agree that any controversy or claim arising out of or related to this consent.
I have agreed that if I should have a complaint of any kind whatsoever, I shall immediately notify Christal Caladiao and further agree that any controversy or claim arising out of the relating to this content and/ or any signed contract between myself and Christal Caladiao or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in the state of California in accordance wit the Rules of the American Arbitration Association and judgment of the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
I understand that at the first sign of an infection, adverse reaction or allergic reaction to the procedure, I must notify Christal Caladiao, and health care practitioner, California Department of Health, Drugs and Medical Devices Devision.
I understand and acknowledge that the permanent cosmetic tattoo procedure may permanently alter the appearance of my face, which may not be desirable to me.
I understand that I may need a touch up with in 30-60 days if the color fades due to my skin chemistry and or topical lotions/ cosmetics I use daily.
I understand that the pigment can last 1-4 years, depending on my skin type, and may need a touch up in 1-4 years.
I understand that failure to follow post-treatment instructions may cause loss of pigment, discoloration or infection.
I have received a copy of the post procedure instructions. It has been fully explained to me and I have read it or it has been read to me. I understand its contents.
I have been given an opportunity to ask questions about the procedure and the procedure to be used and the risks and hazards involved and I believe that I have sufficient information to give this informed consent.
I hearby authorize Christal Caladiao to take photographs of the work both performed before and after the treatment, and I further authorize the use of said photographs to be used for the purpose of advertising.
I certify this form has been fully read, and I have asked for all explanations and answers have been given to me. I have read all disclosures or they have been read to me. I understand it's contents.
Drivers License number:
Your age:
Birth Date
Additional notes on history such as keloids, cold sores or medications that will effect services:
By checking this, I the client, understand this is a binding contract.
I, the client, understand this is a binding contract for PMU services.
I, the client, have given full and accurate medical information that could effect my services.
Signature. By Typing my name, I agree to secure this contract for PMU Services
Contract Date